SAHITYARATHI LAKHMINATH BEZBAROA has made Sambalpur also proud as it was his Karma Bhumi. But as no descendant could stay at Sambalpur after his death gradually his memory was erased after one or two generations. The birth centenary which was initiated and co-organised by Assam Sahitya Sabha with Odisha Sahitya Academy and Kosal Sahitya Samaj at Sambalpur on 20 October 1968 brought back his memory for few days as Dr. Sradhhakar Supakar translated few of short stories written by Bezbaroa. Satya Narayan Bohidar, the famed Sambalpuri poet wrote a poem on Bezbaroa. In the meeting, attended by office bearers of Assam Sahitya Sabha such as Dr. Maheswar Neog, Prof. Jatindranath Goswami, Mr. Biswan Narayan Sastri, Prof. Jogesh Das and ministers, writers of Sambalpur, it was resolved that the two houses, belonged to Bezbaruah would be renovated. But nobody was there to follow the task.
A time comes when some miracles happens. We call it “by wish of the God.” Deepak Kumar Panda, a journalist of Sambalpur was writing a regular column by name Sambalpur Sambalpur in the Agnishikha daily. As he was looking for new subjects he could find a story of Bezbaroa translated into Sambalpuri language by late Dr. Sraddhakar Supakar. “Bezbaroa a man of Assam was staying for a long period at Sambalpur” – was written at the foot note. This created anxiety in the mind of Mr. Panda. He tried to collect the Bezbaroa link with Sambalpur. Engineer Karunakar Supakar, brother of late Dr. Sraddhakar Supakar brought out one special issue of Assamese magazine published on the occasion of birth centenary of Bezbaroa. This was presented to him by a visiting Assamese group. Mr Panda gathered some information and wrote a small article in Sambalpur Sambalpur column. The column got published in a book form in the same name in 2007, which became very popular. Mr. Panda thought it a pride for Sambalpur that such a great man was residing permanently at Sambalpur. He started writing in the Agnishikha daily to make people aware about Bezbaroa. He also started a campaign for restoration of two houses of Bezbaroa situated at a prominent place of Sambalpur. This was picked up in leading English daily which was noticed by people at Assam. This was highlighted in Assamese newspapers too. Many visitors from Assam went to Sambalpur to see Bezbaroa house. Mr Panda gathered more and more about Bezbaroa and kept on writing. He wrote three small books on Bezbaroa and Sambalpur in Sambalpuri, Odia and English languages. All section of people at Sambalpur could know that these two houses are Bezbaroa House; they also got to know something about Bezbaruah if not detail. Thus Mr. Panda brought back the memory and legacy of Bezbaroa. Many at Sambalpur were highly appreciating the single handed work of Mr. Panda.
There after Deepak Kumar Panda started campaigning for restoration of Bezbaroa house. But it was not an easy task. The land in which Bezbaroa house is standing was a Government plot of nozul form which was leased out. Bezbaroa was the second person after one missionary John Gregory Pike to get the plot. After his demise late Omkarmall Poddar, a leading businessman of that time who was known to Bezbaroa family persuaded Aruna, eldest daughter of Lakhminath Bezbaroa to surrender the lease land so that he will obtain it. It was done so and now the land was belonged to Poddar family. Government wanted to resume it but unfortunately Government could not succeed as Poddar family won all the court cases and finally it was pending in High Court. Mr. Panda requested Bar Association, Sambalpur to be a party in the case.
A bridge on Mahanadi was planned at a place about 2.5 kilometres away from Bezbaroa house. But by God’s grace the site was changed to the back side of Bezbaroa house. This brought a reason and a golden opportunity to acquire the whole land of Bezbaroa house. Mr Arabinda Padhi, IAS who is knows Mr. Panda since long mooted this idea. When the matter took a happy turning again it went to a rough sea. A rotary was planned along with the entry point for the bridge which includes plan to demolish the two dilapidated house. With the change of a Collector Mr. Panda had a hard time to make the new Collector understand about Bezbaruah and his Sambalpur connection. He was convinced but not all. Suddenly a campaign by few people started in favour of demolition. The two ugly looking dilapidated houses are hurdles for beautification of the place they thought. Few, including many learned and eminent people were of the view that why Sambalpur would keep the memory of a man from outside? Mr. Panda tried to pacify it by making people understand that such an argument should not be upheld. He argued that first Mr. Bezbaroa is a great Indian personality secondly he was a permanent citizen of Sambalpur; third he has brought glory for Assam as well as for Odisha, particularly for Sambalpur and the society as a whole. But the protest was not simply based on feelings or opinion, political-economic and several other resins were also there. So protest was carried on. Mr. Panda had the support of many intellectuals and prominent citizens of Sambalpur which includes Late Bhagbat Prasad Nanda, late Abhaya Padhi, Late Karunakar Supakar, Late Dilip Padhi, Prof. Tarini Prasad Panda, Mr Sashanka Purohit, Mr. Aurobinda Mohapatra, Mr. Prafulla Hota, Siddharth Panda, Mr. Shiv Prasad Meher, Mr. Ashok Pradhan, Mr. Ratna Bhusan Puruseth, Dr. Paresh Chandra Dani, Dr. Santosh Dash, Bodhram Dash, Dr. Dadhibaban Mishra, Dr. Bibhudatta Pramod Kumar Mishra, Mr. Dhruba Prasad Panda, Dr.Gauridas Padhan, Dr. Pradip Kumar Panda, Prof. Sudarshan Pujari, Ptof.Akhil Biswal, Mr. Manoj Kuamr Panda, Debarchan Thakur, Dharanidhar Mishra, Dr. Surubabu Meher, Prashant Pradhan, Mrs Pinkey Pradhan, Mr. Mr. Muktakantha Pradhan, Dr. Amar Mishra, Janmejaya Babu, Satya Narayan Thakur, Gopinath Sarangi, Mr Gopinath Mishra and others; also many fellow journalists. Deepak Panda made a plan to save Bezbaroa house from demolition. As per plan he sounded an alarm across Assam through few persons of the State who visited Bezbaroa House of Sambalpur before. Mr Debendranath Tamuly who was in the North-East Production Centre of Doordarshan, Guwhati who had produced a documentary on Bezbaroa House, Sambalpur carried the massage of Mr. Panda to several media house of Guwhati. It became effective. Mr Sarbananda Sonowal, Honourable Chief Minister of Assam directed Mr Naba Kuamr Doley, Minister of Culture Assam and Mr. Hrishikesh Goswami, Media Advisor to the Chief Minister of Assam reached Sambalpur on 30 October 2017, visited the house, held discussion with District administration. They went to meet Mr Navin Patnaik, Honourable Chief Minister of Odisha and Mr. Ashok Panda, Minister of Tourism and Culture, Odisha. Mr. Navin Patnaik was kind enough to declare that Bezbaroa House at Sambalpur will not be demolished and it will be conserved. Mr. Ashok Panda was kind enough to declare Rupees 50 lakhs for renovation. Soon Sahityarathi Lakhminath Bezbaroa smruti Rakhya Comittee was formed at Guwhati which appealed Govt. of Assam to sanction same amount of money; Rs 50 lakhs for conservation. The renovation task was entrusted upon Indian National Trust INTACH. Several hurdles and problems rose in between. Sahityarathi Lakhminath Bezbaroa Smritirakhya Committee with its President Mr. P.K.Chaudhury, Secretary Mr.Rantu Deka and other members in collaboration with Mr Deepak Panda have removed the hurdles by writing letters, meeting people and Government officers of Assam and Odisha. President and Secretary of the Committee have travelled to Sambalpur and Bhubaneswar for the same.